Select the correct answer:

1. 'The life of a student is, comparatively speaking, a sheltered life'
What does Gokhale mean by this?
Choose the one statement which is inappropriate.

2. 'Count your blessings, not your troubles'-Here the writer's emphasis is on _______

3. What is the speciality of the 'Vimanams' of the Brihadeesvarar temple?

4. In the idiom 'a storm in a teacup', which of the following is used as a replacement for the word 'storm' in American English?

5. Identify the word pair which is different in pronunciation in British English and American English usage:
British English American English

6. 'Here tis, most reverend Doctor, here it is'.
Who is the speaker and who is the listener?

7. In Oscar Wilde's 'The Model Millionaire' Hughie could marry Laura provided

8. Which of the following poem is written by David Roth?

9. Match the poems with the poets:
(a) Earth 1. D.H. Lawrence
(b) Snake 2. H.W. Longfellow
(c) A Psalm of life 3. Khalil Gibran
(d) Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face 4. Jack Prelutsky
(a) (b) (c) (d)

10. Who among the following is the author of the story, 'The Wooden Bowl'?